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Operations and relationship with the "vocab" of the default time slots.

DOWHour dataclass

Day of week and hour of day class.

Source code in latent_calendar/
class DOWHour:
    """Day of week and hour of day class."""

    dow: int
    hour: int

    def from_vocab(cls, vocab: str) -> "DOWHour":
        """Construct from a vocab string."""
        dow, hour = get_day_hour(vocab=vocab)

        return cls(dow=dow, hour=hour)

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        msg = "Day of week goes from 0 to 6 and hour of day goes from 0 to 24."
        if not 0 <= self.dow <= 6:
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if not 0 <= self.hour <= 24:
            raise ValueError(msg)

    def is_after(self, other: "DOWHour") -> bool:
        """Check if self is after other."""
        if self.dow > other.dow:
            return True

        if self.dow < other.dow:
            return False

        return self.hour > other.hour

    def vocab(self) -> str:
        """Get the vocab string for an instance."""
        return format_dow_hour(self.dow, self.hour)

    def __add__(self, hours: int) -> "DOWHour":
        """Add a number of hours."""
        dow, hour = self.dow, self.hour

        for _ in range(hours):
            hour += 1
            if hour > 23:
                dow += 1
                dow = dow % 7

            hour = hour % 24

        return DOWHour(dow=dow, hour=hour)

vocab property

Get the vocab string for an instance.


Add a number of hours.

Source code in latent_calendar/
def __add__(self, hours: int) -> "DOWHour":
    """Add a number of hours."""
    dow, hour = self.dow, self.hour

    for _ in range(hours):
        hour += 1
        if hour > 23:
            dow += 1
            dow = dow % 7

        hour = hour % 24

    return DOWHour(dow=dow, hour=hour)

from_vocab(vocab) classmethod

Construct from a vocab string.

Source code in latent_calendar/
def from_vocab(cls, vocab: str) -> "DOWHour":
    """Construct from a vocab string."""
    dow, hour = get_day_hour(vocab=vocab)

    return cls(dow=dow, hour=hour)


Check if self is after other.

Source code in latent_calendar/
def is_after(self, other: "DOWHour") -> bool:
    """Check if self is after other."""
    if self.dow > other.dow:
        return True

    if self.dow < other.dow:
        return False

    return self.hour > other.hour

HourFormatter dataclass

Class to format the hour that includes midnight and noon.


Name Type Description Default
midnight str | None

string to use for midnight

noon str | None

string to use for noon

format_hour HOUR_FORMATTER

HOUR_FORMATTER to map hour int to string



Just return the number and add midnight and noon.

hour_formatter = HourFormatter(
    format_hour=lambda hour: hour

hour_formatter(0) # "Midnight"
hour_formatter(12) # "Noon"
hour_formatter(1) # 1
hour_formatter(13) # 13
hour_formatter(24) # "Midnight"
Source code in latent_calendar/
class HourFormatter:
    """Class to format the hour that includes midnight and noon.

        midnight: string to use for midnight
        noon: string to use for noon
        format_hour: HOUR_FORMATTER to map hour int to string

        Just return the number and add midnight and noon.

        hour_formatter = HourFormatter(
            format_hour=lambda hour: hour

        hour_formatter(0) # "Midnight"
        hour_formatter(12) # "Noon"
        hour_formatter(1) # 1
        hour_formatter(13) # 13
        hour_formatter(24) # "Midnight"



    midnight: str | None = "Midnight"
    noon: str | None = "Noon"
    format_hour: HOUR_FORMATTER = HOUR_FORMATTERS["12hr"]

    def __call__(self, hr: int) -> str:
        if self.midnight is not None and hr in (0, HOURS_IN_DAY):
            return self.midnight

        if hr == 12:
            return self.noon if self.noon is not None else self.format_hour(hr)

        return self.format_hour(hr)


Get the am or pm of the hour.


Name Type Description Default
hour int

hour of the day



Type Description

am or pm

Source code in latent_calendar/
def am_pm_of_hour(hour: int) -> str:
    """Get the am or pm of the hour.

        hour: hour of the day

        am or pm

    return "am" if hour < 12 else "pm"


Get the day and hour from the vocab.

Source code in latent_calendar/
def get_day_hour(vocab: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
    """Get the day and hour from the vocab."""
    day_str, hour_str = vocab.split(" ")

    return int(day_str), int(hour_str)

make_human_readable(vocab, hour_formatter=HOUR_FORMATTERS['12_am_pm'])

Create a human readable string of the vocab.


Name Type Description Default
vocab str

string vocab. i.e. "00 01"

hour_formatter HOUR_FORMATTER

HOUR_FORMATTER to map hour int to string



Type Description

human readable string of the vocab

Source code in latent_calendar/
def make_human_readable(
    vocab: str, hour_formatter: HOUR_FORMATTER = HOUR_FORMATTERS["12_am_pm"]
) -> str:
    """Create a human readable string of the vocab.

        vocab: string vocab. i.e. "00 01"
        hour_formatter: HOUR_FORMATTER to map hour int to string

        human readable string of the vocab

    day, hour = get_day_hour(vocab=vocab)

    human_day = calendar.day_name[day]
    human_hour = hour_formatter(hour)

    return f"{human_day} {human_hour}"


Map the hour to a 12 hour clock.

Source code in latent_calendar/
def map_to_12_hour(hour: int) -> int:
    """Map the hour to a 12 hour clock."""
    if hour == 0:
        return 12

    if hour == 12:
        return hour

    return hour % 12


Split pandas series of vocab into day of week and hour of day DataFrame.

Source code in latent_calendar/
def split_vocab(ser: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Split pandas series of vocab into day of week and hour of day DataFrame."""
    df_split = ser.str.split(" ", expand=True).astype(int)

    df_split.columns = ["dow", "hour"]

    return df_split
