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Scikit-Learn Compatibility

The LatentCalendar class is scikit-learn compatible making it very easy to integrate into your existing machine learning pipelines.

Here are a few examples but feel free to get creative and combine them all together!


LatentCalendar can be used in scikit-learn pipelines. The tranform method will be used based on the TransformerMixin base of LatentDirichletAllocation.

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline 
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture

from latent_calendar import LatentCalendar

def create_hard_clustering_pipeline(n_components: int) -> Pipeline:
    gaussian_components = n_components ** 2 - 1
    return Pipeline(
            ("latent_calendar", LatentCalendar(n_components=n_components)),
            ("gaussian_mixture", GaussianMixture(n_components=gaussian_components)),

pipeline = create_hard_clustering_pipeline(n_components=3)

# Hard cluster labels


Similar with Pipelines, the transform method will be used.

from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer

vocab_columns = df_wide.columns.tolist()

df_wide["total_events"] = df_wide.sum(axis=1)

transformer = ColumnTransformer(
        ("latent_calendar", LatentCalendar(n_components=3), vocab_columns),
    ], remainder="passthrough"

transformer =

Other Transformers

import pandas as pd

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

class RemoveLowVolumeTimeSlots(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    def __init__(self, model: LatentCalendar, min_count: int):
        self.model = model
        self.min_count = min_count

    def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y=None) -> "RemoveLowVolumeTimeSlots":
        self.original_columns = X.columns

        column_counts = X.sum()
        self.columns_to_keep = column_counts[column_counts > self.min_count].index[:, self.columns_to_keep])

        return self

    def transform(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
        return self.model.predict(X.loc[:, self.columns_to_keep])

    def predict(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
        X_pred = self.model.predict(X.loc[:, self.columns_to_keep])
        return X_pred.reindex(self.original_columns, fill_value=0, axis=1)

model = LatentCalendar(n_components=3)
transformer = RemoveLowVolumeTimeSlots(model=model, min_count=10)
