Vectorized Inputs
All data and priors will allow for vectorized assuming the shapes work for broadcasting.
The plotting also supports arrays of results
import numpy as np
from conjugate.distributions import Beta
from conjugate.models import binomial_beta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Data
N = 10
x = 4
# Analytics
prior = Beta(alpha=1, beta=np.array([1, 10]))
posterior = binomial_beta(n=N, x=x, prior=prior)
# Figure
colors = ["blue", "red"]
ax = prior.plot_pdf(label=lambda i: f"prior {i}", color=colors, linestyle="--")
posterior.plot_pdf(ax=ax, label=lambda i: f"posterior {i}", color=colors)
ax.axvline(x=x / N, ymax=0.05, color="black", linestyle="--", label="MLE")