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Unsupported Posterior Predictive Distributions

Suppose we want to use the Pareto model with a Gamma prior which doesn't have a supported distribution for the posterior predictive.

We can get posterior predictive samples by:

  1. Sample from the posterior distribution
  2. Sample from the model distribution using posterior samples


import numpy as np

from conjugate.distributions import Gamma, Pareto
from conjugate.models import pareto_gamma

seed = sum(map(ord, "Unsupported Posterior Predictive Distributions"))
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

n = 10

x_m = 1
alpha = 2.5
true_distribution = Pareto(x_m=x_m, alpha=alpha)

data = true_distribution.dist.rvs(size=n, random_state=rng)

prior = Gamma(1, 1)
posterior: Gamma = pareto_gamma(

1. Using conjugate-models

Since the distributions are vectorized, just:

  1. Get the number of samples from the posterior
  2. Take a single sample from the model distribution
n_samples = 1_000

alpha_samples = posterior.dist.rvs(size=n_samples, random_state=rng)
posterior_predictive_samples = Pareto(x_m=x_m, alpha=alpha_samples).dist.rvs(random_state=rng)

2. Using PyMC

Another route would be using PyMC then use the draw function.

import pymc as pm

posterior_alpha = pm.Gamma.dist(alpha=posterior.alpha, beta=posterior.beta)
geometric_posterior_predictive = pm.Pareto.dist(m=x_m, alpha=posterior_alpha)

n_samples = 1_000
posterior_predictive_samples = pm.draw(geometric_posterior_predictive, draws=n_samples)
