Bootstrap Comparison
In this example, we will compare the bootstrap method with the use of a Bayesian model.
Bootstrap is statistical method which relies on resampling of the data in order to estimate the uncertainty of a given statistic.
In order to do this comparison, the pandas-bootstrap
package will be used.
The statistic in this example will be the maximum value of 10 samples.
Imports and setup of random number generator. Here, we will assume that the data comes from a Poisson distribution with an unknown rate parameter.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import bootstrap
from conjugate.distributions import (
from conjugate.models import (
seed = sum(map(ord, "Bootstrap comparison"))
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
true_lambda = 1.5
true_distribution = Poisson(true_lambda)
def create_data_generator(true_distribution, rng):
def generate_data(size) -> pd.Series:
return pd.Series(true_distribution.dist.rvs(size=size, random_state=rng))
return generate_data
generate_data = create_data_generator(true_distribution, rng)
Bootstrap method
In order to generate the statistic for the bootstrap method, we just need to create function that gets the maximum value of the desired sample size.
The boot
attribute of the pandas.Series
is an object from
to facilitate the bootstrap process. Read more about it in the
documentation here.
n_new = 10
samples = 5_000
def stat(data: pd.Series, n: int) -> int:
return data.sample(frac=1).iloc[:n].max()
def create_bootstrap_stat(n_new: int, samples: int):
def bootstrap_stat(data: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
return data.boot.get_samples(stat, n=n_new, B=samples)
return bootstrap_stat
bootstrap_stat = create_bootstrap_stat(n_new, samples)
Conjugate model
For the Bayesian model, we will use a Gamma prior as that is the conjugate prior for the Poisson distribution.
def get_posterior_predictive(data: pd.Series, prior: Gamma) -> NegativeBinomial:
x_total = data.sum()
n = len(data)
posterior = poisson_gamma(x_total=x_total, n=n, prior=prior)
return poisson_gamma_predictive(distribution=posterior)
def create_conjugate_stat(n_new: int, samples: int, prior: Gamma):
def conjugate_stat(data: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
posterior_predictive = get_posterior_predictive(data, prior)
return pd.Series(
.rvs((n_new, samples))
return conjugate_stat
prior = Gamma(1, 1)
conjugate_stat = create_conjugate_stat(n_new=n_new, samples=samples, prior=prior)
Compare the two methods across different sample sizes by plotting the PDF of the maximum value of 10 samples.
ns = [5, 25, 50, 100]
nrows = 2
ncols = 2
fig, axes = plt.subplots(
figsize=(ncols * 5, nrows * 5),
def plot_processing(samples: pd.Series, max_value: int) -> pd.Series:
return (
.reindex(range(0, max_value), fill_value=0)
max_value = 8
true_samples = pd.Series(
true_distribution.dist.rvs((n_new, samples)).max(axis=0),
true_pdf = true_samples.pipe(plot_processing, max_value=max_value)
for ax, n in zip(axes.ravel(), ns):
data = generate_data(size=n)
bootstrap_samples = data.pipe(bootstrap_stat)
conjugate_samples = data.pipe(conjugate_stat)
true_pdf.plot(ax=ax, label="True", color="black", linestyle="--")
bootstrap_samples.pipe(plot_processing, max_value=max_value).plot(ax=ax, label="Bootstrap")
conjugate_samples.pipe(plot_processing, max_value=max_value).plot(ax=ax, label="Model")
ax.set(title=f"{n = } samples")
The plot shows the stability of the Bayesian model compared to the bootstrap method as well as the strength that Bayes methods have in low sample size scenarios.