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Binomial Model

The Binomial distribution models the number of successes in a fixed number of independent Bernoulli trials. The probability of success, \(p\), is thought to be unknown and is estimated from the data.

This example demonstrates how to fit a Binomial model with a Beta prior and compares the prior and posterior distributions as well as the predictive distributions with the true distribution of

Import modules

Import the required distributions:

  • Binomial: The assumed model likelihood in order to generate synthetic data
  • Beta: Prior for Binomial distribution
  • BetaBinomial: The predictive distribution for the Binomial model

and the functions:

  • binomial_beta: get the posterior distribution from prior and data
  • binomial_beta_predictive: get the predictive distribution
from conjugate.distributions import Beta, Binomial, BetaBinomial
from conjugate.models import binomial_beta, binomial_beta_predictive

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Observed Data

Generate some data from the assumed likelihood

N = 10
true_dist = Binomial(n=N, p=0.5)

# Observed Data
X = true_dist.dist.rvs(size=1, random_state=42)

Bayesian Inference

Posterior Distribution

Get the posterior with binomial_beta using the sufficient statistics n and x and the prior distribution:

prior = Beta(alpha=1, beta=1)
posterior: Beta = binomial_beta(n=N, x=X, prior=prior)

Predictive Distribution

Get the predictive distribution for n new trials with binomial_beta_predictive function:

prior_predictive: BetaBinomial = binomial_beta_predictive(
posterior_predictive: BetaBinomial = binomial_beta_predictive(

Additional Analysis

Perform any analysis on the distributions to compare the prior and posterior as well as the predictive distributions with the true distribution.

# Figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=1, figsize=(8, 4))

# Prior and Posterior
ax: plt.Axes = axes[0]
posterior.plot_pdf(ax=ax, label="posterior")
prior.plot_pdf(ax=ax, label="prior")
ax.axvline(x=X/N, color="black", ymax=0.05, label="MLE")
ax.axvline(x=true_dist.p, color="black", ymax=0.05, linestyle="--", label="True")
ax.set_title("Success Rate")

# Predictive Distributions & True Distribution
ax: plt.Axes = axes[1]
true_dist.plot_pmf(ax=ax, label="true distribution", color="C2")
posterior_predictive.plot_pmf(ax=ax, label="posterior predictive")
prior_predictive.plot_pmf(ax=ax, label="prior predictive")
ax.axvline(x=X, color="black", ymax=0.05, label="Sample")
ax.set_title("Number of Successes")

Binomial Model
