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Strategy Pattern for Flexible Solutions

This is how the strategy design pattern was used to create a flexible solution for Marketing Mix Model (MMM) saturation and adstock functions in pymc-marketing.

Marketing (Mad) Scientist, Carlos Agostini, and I worked on this solution in this pull request. Check there for more implementation details.

Following this PR, there is built in support for 4 adstock functions and 5 saturation functions. Not only that, but the solution allows for easy addition of adstock, saturation ordering. In total, there are 4 * 5 * 2 = 40 new out-of-the-box MMM combinations with pymc-marketing not including the ability to add custom adstock and saturation functions as well.

Out-of-Box Adstock and Saturation Functions


  • Geometric
  • Delayed
  • Weibull CDF
  • Weibull PDF


  • Logistic
  • Tanh
  • Tanh Baselined
  • Hill
  • Michaelis-Menten


The pymc-marketing package requires flexibility in order to support a wide range of marketing assumptions including how media channels will contribute to the overall target metric.

These assumptions affect:

  • Adstock: how much of the effect of a channel is carried over to the next time period.
  • Saturation: diminishing returns as the media variable on a channel increases.

This will focus on the saturation function and how the strategy pattern was used to create a flexible solution.

Various saturation functions can be used to model diminishing returns. For instance, the following functions can be used:

  • logistic
  • tanh
  • Michaelis-Menten

On top of that, all of these functions have different sets of parameters. How might all of these functions be used in a flexible way?

Naive Approach

If there is only one saturation function, the problem is simple. For instance,

from numpy import exp

def logistic(x, lam): 
    return (1 - exp(-lam * x)) / (1 + exp(-lam * x))

def saturation(x, lam): 
    return logistic(x, lam)

However, as more functions are added, the problem becomes more complex. For instance, if a tanh function is added which has different parameters b and c, the saturation function would need to be updated.

from numpy import tanh

# New function
def tanh_saturation(x, b, c): 
    return b * tanh(x / (b * c))

# New logic
def saturation(x, lam=None, b=None, c=None): 
    if lam is not None: 
        return logistic(x, lam)
    elif b is not None and c is not None: 
        return tanh_saturation(x, b, c)
        raise ValueError("Invalid parameters")

The Michaelis-Menten function also has a parameter lam, so how would this be added to the saturation function?

# Yet another new function
def michaelis_menten(x, lam, alpha): 
    return alpha * x / (x + lam)

# New logic? Yet another parameter? Add a boolean flag?
def saturation(
    if lam is not None and alpha is None: 
        return logistic(x, lam)
    if lam is not None and alpha is not None: 
        return michael_menten(x, lam, alpha)
    elif b is not None and c is not None: 
        return tanh_saturation(x, b, c)
        raise ValueError("Invalid parameters")

This approach quickly became unwieldy and hard to understand, scale, and maintain.

Logic that is both flexible and can easily be extended without having to modify existing code is required!

Strategy Pattern

The strategy pattern is a behavioral design pattern that can help solve this problem.

Define a Common Interface

By defining a common function signature, we can create this flexible system. For instance, we can pose the definition that a saturation function will always take a single argument and return a single value.

from typing import Callable
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike 

SaturationFunction = Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]

The previously defined functions do not go to waste as they can be used to create functions that adhere to the SaturationFunction signature.

def create_logistic_saturation(lam) -> SaturationFunction: 
    def saturation_function(x): 
        return logistic(x, lam)
    return saturation_function

def create_tanh_saturation(b, c) -> SaturationFunction: 
    def saturation_function(x):
        return tanh_saturation(x, b, c)
    return saturation_function

def create_michaelis_menten_saturation(lam, alpha) -> SaturationFunction: 
    def saturation_function(x): 
        return michaelis_menten(x, lam, alpha)
    return saturation_function

Each one of these functions is a wrapper that returns a function that adheres to the SaturationFunction signature. The parameters are passed in the wrapper function and the returned function only takes the media variable x.


The functools.partial function can also be used to create these functions

from functools import partial

saturation_function: SaturationFunction = partial(logistic, lam=0.1)

Two Step Process

By defining a wrapper function, this breaks the process into two steps:

  1. Creation
  2. Application
# Creation
saturation = create_logistic_saturation(lam=0.1)

# Application


Common Interface

Switching to a different saturation function is as simple as changing the creation step because the application step remains the same.

saturation = create_tanh_saturation(b=0.1, c=0.2)

# Same as before 

Even though the creation step is different, the application step remains the same.


There is also the benefit that new functions can be created without having to modify existing code. The defined signature ensures that the new function will work with the existing code.

def create_infinite_returns(beta) -> SaturationFunction: 
    def saturation_function(x): 
        return beta * x
    return saturation_function

def hill(x, sigma, beta, lam): 
    return sigma / (1 + exp(-beta * (x - lam)))

def create_hill_saturation(sigma, beta, lam) -> SaturationFunction: 
    def saturation_function(x): 
        return hill(x, sigma, beta, lam)
    return saturation_function

Even with user defined functions, the application step remains the same!

# User defined saturation function
saturation = create_hill_saturation(sigma=0.1, beta=0.2, lam=0.3)

# Still the same as before!

Usage Example

Because of the common interface, these created functions can be passed around making that naive saturation function no longer necessary.

Below showcases all of the saturation functions in action which can be easily used due to the common interface.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Creation
saturation_functions = {
    "logistic": create_logistic_saturation(lam=6),
    "tanh": create_tanh_saturation(b=1.25, c=0.5),
    "Hill": create_hill_saturation(sigma=1.5, beta=5.5, lam=0.75),
    "Michaelis-Menten": create_michaelis_menten_saturation(lam=0.1, alpha=1.1),
    "Infinite Returns": create_infinite_returns(beta=1.25),

# Application
ax = plt.subplot(111)

x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)

for name, saturation in saturation_functions.items(): 
    y = saturation(x)
    ax.plot(x, y, label=name)

    xlabel="media variable", 
    ylabel="saturated media variable",
    title="Strategy Pattern for Saturation Functions",

Saturation Functions

pymc-marketing Solution

There are a few additional requirements that are needed for the pymc-marketing solution. For instance, the need for:

  • Prior for each function parameter
  • Parameter estimation with pymc
  • Additional non-parameter arguments
  • Non-clashing parameter names with larger model variables
  • Lift test support
  • Budget optimization

The final solution ended up looking like this for each saturation function:

from pymc_marketing.mmm import SaturationTransformation

class InfiniteReturns(SaturationTransformation): 
    def function(self, x, alpha): 
        return alpha * x

    default_priors = {
       "alpha": {
           "dist": "HalfNormal", 
           "kwargs": {"sigma": 0.1},

Though there is a little more boilerplate, the two step process is still used.

  1. Creation
  2. Application
saturation = InfiniteReturns()

x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)

with pm.Model():
    saturated_x = saturation.apply(x)

There is much that comes for free with the SaturationTransformation class including the apply method which handles the common logic of creating PyMC distributions for the parameters of the function method based on default_priors while also ensuring a common interface for all saturation functions.

Using this solution for the adstock and saturation functions in pymc-marketing provides the flexibility needed to support a wide range of marketing assumptions.

pymc-marketing solution in action
from pymc_marketing.mmm import (

# Creation
adstock = WeibullAdstock(kind="PDF", l_max=7)

saturation_priors = {
    "lam": {"dist": "HalfNormal", "kwargs": {"sigma": 0.1}},
    "alpha": {"dist": "Gamma", "kwargs": {"alpha": 1, "beta": 2}},
saturation = MichaelisMentenSaturation(priors=saturation_priors)

# Application
mmm = MMM(
), y)


By defining a common function signature for all adstock and saturation functions, we get flexibility and ease addition of new functions without the need to update existing code.

This breaks down the process into two steps:

  1. Creation
  2. Application

This has been helpful to support a wide range of marketing assumptions required in pymc-marketing.
