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Iteration Pattern

Make use of python iteration for more generalized code and functionality

for value in iterable: 

Allowing iteration in python

Objects can be used in for loop as long as the object is iterable or has a way to iterate over it.

This functionality can be defined with with the __iter__ and __next__ method or a generator.

1. Generator Function

A generator is a function that returns an iterator. This is done by using the yield keyword instead of return.

Example of generator
def generator(): 
    yield 1
    yield 2
    yield 3

def same_generator(): 
    for i in range(1, 4): 
        yield i

for value in generator():


Iterators are pretty common in python. i.e. range is an iterator.


The yield from keyword can be used as an alternative to yield all values from another iterator.

Example of yield from
def generator(): 
    yield from range(1, 4)

Another way to created a generator is with a generator expression.

Example of generator expression
generator = (i for i in range(1, 4))

for value in generator: 

2. Define __iter__ and __next__ methods

The __iter__ method returns an iterator object and the __next__ method returns the next value in the iterator. The StopIteration exception is raised when there are no more values to return.


The class variables can be used to keep track of the current value and the max value.

Example of __iter__ and __next__ method
class Iterator: 
    def __init__(self, max_value): 
        self.max_value = max_value
        self.current_value = 0

    def __iter__(self): 
        return self

    def __next__(self): 
        if self.current_value >= self.max_value: 
            raise StopIteration

        self.current_value += 1
        return self.current_value

for value in Iterator(3):


The return value of __iter__ must be an iterator. This can be done by returning self or by defining a separate iterator class, generator function, or generator expression.

Which to Use?

Most of the time we are handed different data structures and wouldn't want to override the __iter__ method. In this case, we can use generator functions to define the iteration method.

Sample Data Structure Handed to Us
from dataclasses import dataclass

class Matrix: 
    data: list[list[int]]

    def __post_init__(self) -> None: 
        assert self.nrows > 0, "Matrix must have at least one row"
        assert self.ncols > 0, "Matrix must have at least one column"
        # Matrix must be rectangular
        assert all(len(row) == self.ncols for row in, "Matrix must be rectangular"

    def nrows(self) -> int: 
        return len(

    def ncols(self) -> int: 
        return len([0])

Defining iteration outside of the object allows us to define different iteration methods. Any way we want to iterate over the matrix can be defined as a generator.

Below are three different methods for the Matrix class.

  1. Row First
  2. Column First
  3. Diagonal
Define Iteration Methods
def row_first_iteration(matrix: Matrix): 
    for row in 
        for value in row: 
            yield value 

def column_first_iteration(matrix: Matrix): 
    for col in range(matrix.ncols): 
        for row in range(matrix.nrows): 

def diagonal_iteration(matrix: Matrix): 
    """Iterate through the matrix diagonally. 

    Starts with the top left corner first and goes diagonally up.

    nrows = matrix.nrows
    ncols = matrix.ncols

    ndiags = ncols + nrows - 1

    for diag in range(n_diags):
        for col in range(diag + 1): 
            row = diag - col
            if row < nrows and col < ncols: 

Now when we want to iterate over the matrix, we can choose which iteration method to use depending on the use case.

Example Usage
data = [
    [1, 2],
    [3, 4], 
    [5, 6], 
    [7, 8]
matrix = Matrix(data)

row_first_iter = row_first_iteration(matrix)
column_first_iter = column_first_iteration(matrix)
diag_iter = diagonal_iteration(matrix)

import pandas as pd 

df = pd.DataFrame({
    "Row First": list(row_first_iter),
    "Column First": list(column_first_iter),
    "Diagonal": list(diag_iter)
}) = "Iteration"
           Row First  Column First  Diagonal
0                  1             1         1
1                  2             3         3
2                  3             5         2
3                  4             7         5
4                  5             2         4
5                  6             4         7
6                  7             6         6
7                  8             8         8

The for loop will be the same regardless of how we want to process the values:

Various ways to process values
process = print
iterable = row_first_iter 

for value in iterable:

# Alternative iteration and processing
def log_value_somewhere(value): 
    print(f"Logging value {value}")

process = log_value_somewhere
iterable = diag_iter

for value in iterable: 

This can be useful when we want to process the values in different ways, but also from different data structures.

Example of different data structures
import numpy as np

matrix_np = np.array(data)

iterable = iter(matrix_np.flatten())

for value in iterable: 


Classes are often handed to next user so it useful to define iteration methods outside of the class. Not only that, but what is done with the value is separated from the iteration method as well. That is, separation of:

  1. Data
  2. Iteration of data
  3. Processing of data

This provides flexibility while keeping the code in a consistent format.

for value in iterable: 

